Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Actual Lottery Patterns That Work

Can you image winning the lottery?  What about being able to say that you won the lottery three times?  Well, that is what happened for an Oklahoma mathematics professor. He spent approximately eight years figuring out a lottery code that he proved to be successful.  In fact, it was so successful that he hit the lottery three times.  Of course, this did not happen without creating a stir among others that heard about his success.

            This professor was taken by two masked males as he was leaving the mall.  These two men grabbed him and put a gun to his head as they loaded him into their vehicle.  You see, they wanted to know his lottery strategy. They wanted him to share the secret to his success with the lottery.  By the time that the entire experience was over he had been shot in the left foot by one of the men.  So, are you wondering what this professor may have known that would cause such dramatic action.

            The answer to that is simple.  He has the lottery tips, the lottery pattern that these men needed in order to strike it rich like he did.  You would probably like to have it also and I can not blame you.  It would be great to hit the lottery for millions. It would be even better if you were able to do this more than one time in your life.  Well, you can and this man from Oklahoma wants to tell you how.

            The fact of the matter is that the lottery tips that Larry wants to share with you are not difficult tips.  In fact they work for anyone that wants to be successful at winning the lottery.  You simply need to be willing to follow the lottery plan that has been shared with you.  If you are able to do that then you are sure to be successful, just like he was.  That is what makes this lottery pattern so magnificent.  It works for everyone!

            Just a final though for all of you, you need to remember to be patient with the lottery strategy that you will be employing.  Just because you have a lottery plan that is guaranteed to work, you may not be success the very first time (but then again you might be).  There is no way to really tell exactly when it will happen. You need to keep trying and continue with the lottery pattern that you are given.  You will hit big at some point and the more that you play using the lottery pattern the more you will win.  Finally, you will want to enjoy your winnings but you will also want to think about others that need your help.  The lottery code will make you rich so you may want to consider sharing your wealth and helping others that may not know the lottery strategy.

Keywords: lottery, lottery code,lottery strategy,lottery tips, lottery pattern


Monday, 25 March 2013

Why Predict The Future?

Do you ever try to predict the future? Are you usually right, or wrong? If so, then read on. 

Can you predict the future of your industry? Can you predict the future of your business? No one can say with certainty what will happen next week much less one year from now. And five years? Not a chance.

Yogi Berra reportedly said, "It's hard to make predictions, especially about the future."

Everyone agrees. Predicting the future is hard. It is so hard that a fifty percent success rate is considered extraordinary for a professional futurist. In other words, the professionals are wrong at least half of the time.

And yet businesses try to predict the future all of the time. In fact, there are three basic business tools which require future predictions:

Future Revenues: At the most primitive level businesses predict future revenues. For better or worse "estimated future revenues" figures govern many of our proposed business decisions. These estimated figures are often wrong but we nonetheless establish spending patterns for years to come based upon this guesswork.

Industry Scenarios: One level up from revenue predictions is the prediction of industry scenarios in which we try and guess what are competitors are likely to do in the future.

Strategic Planning: The most complex level of predictions takes place in strategic planning. Most high-performing businesses set annual and long-term objectives and develop plans to meet those objectives. Resource planning, financial planning, market planning, sales planning and project planning all depend upon how well businesses predict the future in their strategic plans.

One of the problems with these business tools is that businesses end up developing "planned reactions" to guessed-about future events instead of creating their own plans. A second problem is that businesses usually measure the success of these "planned reactions" based upon whether or not they produce the predicted results. 

Now here's the rub: All of those estimates of future revenues, industry scenarios and strategic plans are based upon predictions which are more than likely wrong. By measuring success against faulty predictions how can a business do anything but fail to achieve its goals? 

Why should you predict the future if it is such a losing game? Well, I have a saying: "The best way to predict the future is to invent it."

Instead of using future estimates, predictions and plans to be reactive to the future be proactive about the future by creating your own. To move your business Faster Than The Speed Of Change ™ declare the direction in which you want your business to go-invent your own future. Pick a direction and set plans in action to take advantage of and profit from that direction.

You may end up exactly where you said you were going. Then again, you may not. Along the way you may shift completely-your northward heading now facing east and your west now facing south. But you will get somewhere and that somewhere will probably be much farther along and much closer to your declared direction than if you had no direction and only "reaction plans." 

Declarations, predictions, and, yes, even strategic plans have a way of focusing our attention and mobilizing our efforts far more effectively than random action, or worse still, just plodding along with no sense of the future. A boldly conceived and declared future energizes everyone in your enterprise. We never fail to be excited and inspired by what art historian Kenneth Clark called "the shock of the new." And, by inventing the future you may alter the competitive landscape ands bring into being changes so great that they didn't exist before.

You see, the future is really whatever we say it is going to be. Once we decide what is possible, become inspired by the possible, commit our resources, time and energy to achieving specific objectives, we can turn future possibilities into reality.

Better than even money says you'll be wrong if you predict the future. I say, you'll be right if you invent your own future.

Projections, Results, Business Coaching, Breakthroughs, Critical Success, High-performance,Growth,Future revenues, Industry Scenarios, Strategic Planning,Resource planning, financial planning, market planning, sales planning , project planning,planned reactions

"Hello, I'm Johnny Cash"- Surprising Lessons For Work At Home Moms

I've unearthed some surprising bits of wisdom for new wahms by listening to Johnny Cash lately. I thought I would share some of these tidbits from the Rockabilly legend.

1) Understand Your Man ...er, target market!

That's right. Do you understand your target market? Are you aware of her needs, desires and driving ambitions? Does your website speak to your target audience? If not, perhaps you should make some changes or your website visitor or customer will be "as gone as a wild goose in winter" too!

2) A Boy Named Sue

Life ain't easy for a boy named Sue...and life ain't easy for a wahm either. In your business you will have those confidence killers, dream stealers, fun suckers...whatever you want to call them. You will have people who try to tell you that you can't achieve your goals, that what you try won't work. Don't let them get you down!

Sue's father told him, "This world is rough, and if you're gonna make it, you've gotta be tough."

How can you get tough in your business?

3) Man In Black- or Branding 101

J.R. Cash didn't don the all black suit because he didn't have anything else to wear. It was his trademark. He wore all black for a reason.

What about you? Are you working on your brand? In a world full of Elvis Presleys and Jerry Lee Lewises, how will you stand apart? And remember, your target market doesn't have to be just like you- Johnny Cash wrote Folsom Prison Blues and connected with inmates when he had never yet step foot in jail!

4) The Legend of John Henry's Hammer

This song has two bits of wisdom:

a) Learn your business and you will succeed

John Henry's Daddy told him to: "Learn to a turn a jack, learn to lay a track, learn to pick and shovel too." Are you learning all you can about Internet Marketing so that you can succeed in your business? Do you reinvest in ebooks, coaching and mentoring, and software like John Henry's hammer?

b) Technology has its place but it can't take the place of humans.

When the steam engine threatened to take the place of men, Johnny proved that in the end, humans are more valuable. Learn to use technology (like autoresponders) but remember that your website visitor is a human and inject some of yourself into your marketing efforts.

5) One Piece at a Time

This ballad is about a man who decides to build a Cadillac. He steals one piece at a time from the assembly line "and it didn't cost him a dime". But in the end, it didn't work out exactly like he planned!

Does your website look like a pieced together jalopy? Are you unwilling to spend any money on your own domain and hosting, content with a free site cluttered up with ads?

6) In The Jailhouse Now

Please don't throw away your hard work by doing one of the following things:

Copying other people's articles or content
Stealing graphics
Clicking on your Adsense ads
Not keeping records and neglecting to pay taxes

It just isn't worth it, and you may find yourself in the jailhouse. Much better to Walk the Line so you can sleep at night.

7) Ring of Fire

Maybe you've made a bad choice... entered into a shotgun romance with a business that's not right for you. Don't be afraid to realize this, chuck everything and start over! Don't beat your head against the wall if, after working hard on a project, you decide it's just not profitable. Better to find your match and pour your energies into that.

In this song, June Carter Cash chronicles her growing attraction to John. Though they were both involved with other people, they were obviously soul mates and ended up making music and growing old together for the next 40 years.

May you make beautiful music with your business!

Key words : wahm, johnny cash, work at home, home business,Internet marketing,Ring of fire,adsense ads,articles, content,website, own domain, hosting

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

How To Make Money From Passions Internet Business Factory, 2013

To make money online many people jump right in before they are properly prepared. You know that to be a rocket scientist, a doctor, a brick layer, a construction worker, an office worker, a teacher there are prerequisites, things you must learn, before you can be successful, you don't just jump right in unprepared.

The same applies to the Internet marketing industry even though there are unsavory people out there who'd have you believe it's a "Walk in the Park" and requires no more than the belief that you can just do it.

And I'll have to admit, it is a walk in the park compared to what you have to put up with in the working world punching a clock being a subordinate to someone who does not have your interests in mind, but there are still rules you have to follow and pitfalls you must avoid to actually make Internet marketing work for you.

Most people will not make a dime online and yet there are others who will make more in one month than most people make in a whole year. Why is that?

My answer begins with the age-old chicken or egg question, "what comes first the chicken or the egg"? Personally I vote for, well never mind, each argument you or I make comes back to the same old conclusion - I have no clue and I don't think many of us do either.

But one thing I do have a clue about and know for sure is that to make money online you must first have Passion for the company products and/or service of any Internet business from which you expect to make money.

Passion in this sense simply means that you've researched and like the company and products or services. It is then that you translate that like (or Passion) into the education, excitement and work that usually accompany Passion.

I will have to say that many online entrepreneurs are so good at what they do that they ignore passion because they can sell anything. But I'm concerned about those of you who are not so knowledgeable at working an online business successfully.

Now, I'm not trying to make anyone believe that Passion is the only thing necessary. Because to be successful you must also have a good website, good marketing, widespread advertising, company support, effective keywords, and etc. Those things are often learned from the company you join - but sidestep Passion and you reduce your chances for success dramatically.

It therefore follows that, if you have no Passion for the company and the products and services provided by that company, again, you won't attempt to do the work you are being taught.

Internet marketing work is typically not all that difficult or time consuming but it does take motivation caused by Passion to get you off and running with a sustained effort so that you won't stumble.

You have a great resource in the Internet search engines to search about the Internet Marketing industry for business opportunities, USE IT!

Your research should uncover a company that you like and have confidence in. It should be solid, founded on great principles, and easy to understand with great products and services that are sell-able for which you can have Passion. If you don't find it move on.

You can find the right opportunity containing the attributes identified above.

Comments like, well, that one sounds good and the compensation plan is excellent so I guess I'll start that business - does not sound like a decision based on anything near Passion. And remember when you hear that an Internet "guru" does that, don't be tempted, because as I said earlier they are experienced and can sell just about anything, without being Passionate about the company products and services.

Note: By the way it's your goal to get to the point where you can sell about anything online. That end skill and goal is a worthy one indeed.

Remember, there are other steps you must make before you step into Internet Marketing but if you don't first find the right company products and services to be passionate about, all of those other steps may just cause you a lot of frustration instead of bringing you great success.

Not being Passionate about a company and products and services that has market proof that it will sell is a pitfall you simply must avoid.


Internet Business Factory is the easiest way for anyone, from any background to create over 100 profitable Internet businesses without having to deal with any of the hard technical stuff.

If you want to make money online, join the Factory before it's too late.

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Monday, 18 March 2013

2 hours to make websites generate over $5,000 a month on autopilot..

It’s always refreshing to see new strategies to make money online. However, the majority of the time I’m pretty disappointed with the results.

When I was recommended to buy Google Sniper 2.0, I thought it would be another system that just left me disappointed, but the proof and success stories tipped me to buy it. A quick Google search for testimonials and by watching the sales video it was clear that this system has worked wonders for other people, and it’s actually generated the most online success stories than any other system/course to date. It was a no brainer to give it a shot personally.

At the time in my Internet marketing journey, I was pretty lost as to what road to head down. Google Sniper 2.0 really outlays the basics, from picking a niche, choosing keywords, buying a domain to setting up a wordpress website which will generate passive income online. It’s an extensive guide, but it’s easy to pick up (the walkthrough videos by George help also). 

I studied the strategy pretty extensively to start with, and created my first “Sniper” site the next day. I was pretty excited due to the success stories, but still had that common doubt that it would be another blowout. I made my first bit of commission two weeks later after setting up the site completely. It wasn’t a huge amount but it was something, and that was the trigger to skim through the course once more to see if I could improve my site in anyway. The site in question started to generate me a tidy amount of commission, and still generates on average $375 a month (on autopilot).

As I’ve been recommended many times before, “if something works duplicate it...” And that’s what I did. I now have about 10 sniper sites, all generating commission each month. Each site differs in the amount of money I’m making, but I can’t squabble as I’m on the hunt for more...

The best thing about this course is alongside earning a nice income each month from this system on autopilot with no traffic generation, it’s also an extensive guide into niche research, finding products to promote and how to set up your own website. Yes, it may need to be read through a few times, but believe me... It’s worth it.

Check out Google Sniper 2.0 here

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

The Royal Flush of Interactive Marketing - Blogging

Definition of Blogging...
Blogging is the activity of creating short articles known as blogs. A blog is an abbreviated version of a weblog, which is used to describe sites that contain an ongoing chronicle of information. A blog features diary-type commentaries and links to articles on other website or locations within that website. Blogs are used in many areas of life, professions and vocations. They are best described as interactive articles laid out in chronological order that can be shared on an endless stream of other social media platforms.

Any particular pattern or Structure to be followed for  Blogging?
Yes! Blogs are usually structured with a main content area placed on the left hand side of the page with articles listed in chronological order with the newest posts on top, usually on the right hand side. Oftentimes posts are organized into categories to make it easier for readers to select the areas they wish to engage in. An archive of older articles are normally located under the newest posts and maybe labeled under a separate heading or date. 

Blogs allow for people to leave comments about the written content. Comment boxes are usually placed directly underneath the blog posts. These comments may sometimes require the approval of the blog owner to ensure no inappropriate language or messages are placed. Social media sharing widgets are also very common at the foot of blog posts. These are icons that readers can click to share the content with their friends or network at the click of a mouse. 

There are many widgets that the popular blog sites such as WordPress and Blogger allow in their pages. Bloggers can show photographic galleries of their favorite images, videos and popular blog posts. Blogs can also have RSS feed functionality which allow readers to opt-in the bloggers page and receive future updates and blog posts anytime they are published on the site. This enables bloggers to bring their fresh and exciting content directly to the reader instead of the reader having to come to them. 

 what is the Importance of Blogging in my business?
If you've been online for some time you have probably already heard that blogging is great for business. Why is it then that so many shy away from it? It's true that setting up a truly attractive blog and content mapping will take some planning but once it's set up the hardest part is completed. Blogging will tell your potential clients/customers many things about your site, it's content and any new updates you may want to share with them. You essentially have free reign to write about anything you want about your product or service, with one goal in mind - to win over customers! This is an important aspect of viral marketing and that is where blogging can work well for people. Blogging is powerful because it allows you to be YOU! You can showcase your business and how you interpret your business in ways that will magnetically attract people to your blog. The magical element of blogging is that once you strike that personable tone you will develop followers and this will lead to increased business.

Points to be remember  When Blogging!
Blogging in short has often been equated to a diary of your business that is able to be viewed by the public. There are some tips however you need to be mindful of when constructing a blog in order to get that 'personable' edge to develop followers and business associates.

Always Have Some Fun But Don’t Forget To Be Factual
Writing blogs doesn't have to be a formal affair. It can be very creative and fun to do. By all means pay attention to your grammatical and cohesive nature throughout your posts but there is no need to get heavy and too 'full on'. A relaxed tone and information ready style is very fitting. Remember you can write about anything you want and you want to bring 'You' across to your potential customers and readers. Writing in this manner will make you more approachable and easier to develop a relationship with.

Learn to Make Your Information Sought After & Reliable
Like any writing, words that have no action behind them are empty. Your role as a blogger is not to only provide information but to provide value and weight behind every paragraph. Establishing your credibility online is easy if you stand solid on what you are saying and show that you can deliver. If you say you are going to provide such and such on a certain date, do it! If you are stating you will offer free memberships, do it! The more meaningful blogging you do the more credible you will come across. If your products and services perform to the standard that you are saying, you will have entered into a new state of reliability and success in your business. People will see it and be attracted to it.

Learn How to Make Your Blogs Rich in SEO Keywords
Learning the skill of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a goldmine to any blogger. You can write in ways that can get your blog or site highly ranked on the search engines if you include the right content and trigger 'keywords.' The more blogs you write doing this, the more popular your blog will become and will generate extra traffic. Blogging can be fun indeed but even more fun if your content is SEO friendly.

Constant Communication Keeps Customers
Effective communication is the key to any successful business venture. Non-effective communication is often said in the industry as being so important that it can shut down companies in twelve months or less. Ensure that your message is simple, direct and with a purpose. When you are writing blogs make them easy to understand. There is nothing worse than getting mixed messages or information that becomes lost in translation. Before writing any blog, establish your objective! What are you aiming to achieve? Then do it in the most simple and effective way that you can. Let your writing be conducive to your business and not a hindrance. 

Do not Underestimate the Power of Images
If you look through a host of blogs that are on the Internet you will see that the most popular blogs use images to add that extra bit of 'oomph' and 'edge' to their look. It can also add power to the message of the post. Let's say you are writing about a new floor cleaning product. You aren't just going to write about it and then leave the reader to use their imagination as to how the solution or finished product would be. You can eliminate this hard work by placing a powerful image of a spotlessly clean floor on the top right or left hand corner of your blog post. As your readers sift through your text they will keep that positive product image in their minds and will be able to get the full power and descriptive nature of your writing.

Blogging can be fun and very beneficial to your business. There are some companies out there that use blogging because they have to as part of being in business. A good blogging presence can do wonders for your business and can leave a mark on the search engines for many years to come.

Monday, 11 March 2013

Discover the Secret for Throwing More Strikes, Picking Up "Impossible" Spares... & Humiliating Your Bowling Buddies Frame After Frame! --by Eric Miller

3 Common Bowling Mistakes

Mistake Number One: 

Never let the facts get in the way of a bad decision. Ok, so you always play second arrow in this house! But it’s not working tonight, is it? Like in real life, bowling puts us in the position to make a choice between playing the odds and creating new odds, it’s a risk vs. reward situation. You may even try a different line or a different ball that you’d normally wouldn’t use. You might obtain higher scores than before! Don’t be afraid of changes.

Mistake Number Two: 

The number of rational hypotheses that can explain any given phenomenon is infinite. If you find yourself standing at the foul line with your hands on your hips and a disgusted look on your face, you may indeed be thinking too much. The best thing to do is examine the last few moves you made and/or the ball choices you have tried. Select the one that was the closest to getting you into the pocket. Try it again with a clear head and an relaxed mind. Analyze the results after executing the shot carefully. Always accept the results you get and keep in mind that not every night is going to be “your night”.

Mistake Number Three

Have you ever considered you might be a part of the problem when you are bowling badly? You can repeatedly miss the pocket or blow a 10-pin spare if your plan of attack is flawed or your mechanics don’t work so well. So be honest with yourself and make a good assessment of how you are bowling. Always ask yourself these questions:
  • What am I doing wrong?
  • Is my hand position correct?
  • Are my knees bent?
  • Am I staying focused on my targets?
  • Is my armswing staying in plane?
  • Is it my pushaway that is messing up my timing?

  • Testimonial:

    Yes.My bowling game improved dramaticly. I fixed my timing, I fixed my release. I went from 173 average to 199 average. I got rid of my hip pain. I adjust to conditions much faster (within a frame or two), before I read the book it took me one complete game or somtiemes even longer or not at all.
    I am now the best player in my club. I also bowled my first perfect game. My average is still going up. The best thing I ever bought for bowling is this great book. Thanks again!
    Tomaz Erzen

    Wednesday, 6 March 2013

    Be Yourself – You Are Welcome Here

    Everybody in here, you are at least ten times greater than the best achievement you’ve ever had.”
    -David Wood
    As I was watching this video, it reminded me of something…

    I miss drinking with Aaron Rashkin.

    Live events change lives.  It is important that you never miss one.
    …Our Bromance started in the water…
    -Aaron Rashkin
    I really like this video, because it is so much deeper than most people realize that it is.

    All Backgrounds Are Welcome

    Just take a moment and look at the duality of leadership you are seeing here.  Yesterday, we started looking at the ‘break out rooms’ at the Austin event.
    I remember when I was in Costa Rica with Aaron Rashkin.  The hotel bar was about to close, so we rode on the tram car to pick up beers for everyone.
    We put about 15 beers in open cups on a cocktail tray that we swiped from the bar, and I attempted to carry them back.  Aaron kept making fun of me because I was spilling all of the beer.  I think we ended up with about 4.
    Arron Rashkin David Sharpe
    There is some other stuff that happened, but what happens in Costa Rica, stays in Costa Rica.
    That’s just one more reason you need to be at the events, because you never know what you might miss.
    Aaron Rashkin is a multiple 7 figure income earner.
    Kris Darty barely had two pennies to rub together just over a year ago.
    BOTH of them had their own break out rooms, packed full of people at the event.
    Aaron has a beer in his hand and is kicking back with his team.
    David Sharpe has been clean and sober for 5 years.  Before that, he was addicted to drugs and living in a perpetual downward spiral.
    David Wood lives in Costa Rica, used to be homeless, lived in a van, and has no idea why the rest of the worlds population insists on wearing deodorant.

    Take a moment and pause.

    Let the significance of what we are talking about sink in.
    There is room for YOU here.
    Kris Darty is a hard core Christian.  He is relatively short, bald, and a short time ago he was struggling through life.  He was fortunate enough to get the right information at the right time, and he was humble enough to listen.
    Kris also happens to be an awesome dude; you’ll know that when you meet him at the next event.
    Aaron Rashkin has been a certified badass in the industry for years.  He took off immediately in Empower because everything he touches turns to gold…
    …BUT it wasn’t always that way.
    There was a time when Aaron struggled too.
    If you understand the point behind these stories, you know that no matter what your background is, you can have success here.
    Christians, Agnostics, people that like to party, people that have chosen to go sober, those who do and don’t wear deodorant…
    …there are a lot of people from all backgrounds having success with the Empower Network.
    You can be one of them.
    You’re story can be told here.
    One of the ‘break out rooms’ can be reserved for you and YOUR team.
    What do you need to do?
    Get all in.
    Be at the next event.
    You are greater than you know,
    -Aki Wood
    P.S. Leave your comments below, let us know a little bit about yourself, so we can see just how diverse our community is.  Wusshole comments and link spammers will be cursed with bad luck.  After you decide to become a member and join the movement, text “Bad Ass” to 72727 to get daily motivational updates.
    DISCLAIMER: We don’t actually curse anyone.  We also don’t ever guarantee income.  Results vary, and you make money from the sale of products.  Just because ex-homless dudes, certified badasses, and many others make money here, it does not mean that you will get rich when you join our program.  Our full income disclosure is updated daily.
    This entry was posted in Empower NetworkENTV

    5 Big Mistakes That Bloggers Make...

    If you've just entered the world of blogging or if you've been blogginh for a short time and find that things are not working out as you expected, it will be worth your while to spend some time understanding the common mistakes that bloggers make, mistakes that make it hard to enjoy what should be an enjoyable, satisfying experience: Blogging!

    The five most common new blogger mistakes are:

    Diving in (rather than wading in)

    Having unrealistic expectations

    Losing focus


    Ignoring the reader

    Diving in! Many bloggers are so anxious to get started that they dive in rather than wading in slowly -- its a mistake in an unfamiliar swimming pool or pond and its a mistake when entering a new arena such as the 'blogosphere.' Consider these things before you start your Blog:

    Find a focus for your blog . . . a focus that reflects what you know, what interests you and what you enjoy talking and writing about. No topics are out of bounds: politics, religion, science, sexual orientations, comedy, exercise, diet, diseases, etc., etc..

    Take the time to read dozens of different blogs: note the colors, graphics and layouts to get an idea of what appeals to you. Also note that some bloggers are long-winded and others are brief and to the point . . . others are just chatty and entertaining and have no particular point to make . . . this too is a personal style you get to choose.

    You need a host for your blog, some are free, some charge a small amount per month for their service, some are simple to use and some require more technical knowledge, some have more features than others; choose carefully, once you've established your blog and have a few regular readers you may not want to change your address (your URL).

    You may or may not want to use your real name on your blog, this depends on many factors, not the least of which is your stance on controversial issues and how publicly you want to be identified with your opinions.

    Unrealistic expectations! If you come to blogging expecting instant results: a large readership and many complimentary comments, you may be disappointed. There are tens of thousands of blogs online vying for the same audience. Patience and tenacity are essential on your part. If you write well, find a unique niche to fill, have appealing titles for your posts and tirelessly promote your blog the readership and comments (some of which will be complimentary) will come.

    Losing focus! When you started your blog you had a particular reason for doing so; it might have been to express your views on a topic or it might have been to just communicate with a close circle of friends about your daily activities. Readers will come to your blog for the first time and either be interested in your subject matter or not, will either like your style or not and, if they like your subject and style they may comment and then come back later. Once you've established a topic and tone for your blog you're free to change it but to do so you're basically starting all over.

    Be aware that you can have more than one blog, each one devoted to a particular topic and each one, if you choose, under a different identity.

    Plagiarizing! There are some great bloggers out there and as you surf through blogs you might find one who said something really well, something that resonated with you and something you want to put in your blog. DON'T just copy and paste someone's words in your blog without giving them credit, making it look to the world like the words are yours. If you write it, write it in your own words and write it better, adding your own thoughts and feelings and then be gracious, mention where you got the idea and provide a link.

    Ignoring the reader! Some of the people who read your blog will leave comments; some readers will agree with you and some readers may even praise your insights but most will pick a point you've made and criticize it. People leave comments on others blogs for the same reason they themselves blog, to exchange ideas and express their points of view. Always respond to your readers comments; thank them for reading and taking the time to comment (even the severe critics) and then respond, as appropriate, to their comment. If you ignore your comments your readers may end up ignoring your blog.

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    Are you fed up with the high price of cable TV? What if there was a way for you to watch all of your favorite channels- including premium movie channels, all of the best sports programming, and hard to find international television shows – and never pay another monthly cable bill again? With Satellite Direct, there is.

    Satellite Direct is a new way to watch TV.
    You don’t need a satellite dish, cable box, or receiver to watch television with Satellite Direct. In fact, all you need to run our state of the art software is your home computer or laptop. That’s right- for less than half of what you’re probably paying for one month of your current subscription service, you can enjoy unlimited 24/7 access to thousands of television channels, right from your PC. And with no hardware to install, you can forget about waiting around for a technician to set up your service. Our easy, one time software download will take less than a minute.

    Making the switch is as easy as:

    1. Registration: Using our safe and secure checkout process, simply register for Satellite Direct by answering a few questions and providing us your one time payment. Your information is always treated with the utmost respect, and the ordering process is fast and easy. 

    2. Download: The Satellite Direct software can be downloaded in about a minute… just follow our simple on-screen instructions. 

    3. Enjoy: That’s it! Just sit back and enjoy the variety of over 3,500 TV channels right on your PC. You’ll never pay another month of cable or satellite subscription service again.

    Satellite Direct is so sure that you will love watching television through the comfort and convenience of your PC that we are offering a 100% satisfaction guarantee. So why wait? Cancel your cable service today. With Satellite Direct, the future of TV is here now.